The application deadline is Monday, September 14, 2020. Selected applicants will be notified whether they must submit to an interview with members of the scholarship committee. Scholarship recipients must be able to attend the Unity Award Ceremony award presentation, which is anticipated to be held on December 8, 2020. Applicants selected for a scholarship are expected to be informed in late October or November of 2020. Applicants that are not selected for a scholarship, will also receive notice via email.
There are several scholarships and the awarded amounts vary. Access the online application for complete information here.
Jerold S. Solovy Diversity Scholarship Award
This Scholarship will be awarded to a law student who actively advocates for diversity within the Chicago area legal community and works to bring focus to those who do pro-bono work within their community. Students are required to submit an article on their views about “diversity within the legal community” and maintain a 3.8 GPA.
Public Interest Advocate Scholarship Award
This Scholarship will be awarded to a law student who is interested in pursuing a career in public service or a student who is actively involved with a not-for-profit agency that represents the needy and the underprivileged. Eligible students maintain a 3.5 GPA.
LSAT Scholarship Award
This Scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate student who is actively applying to an accredited law school in the Chicago area, or is a recent graduate with a four-year degree and is taking the LSAT. Eligible students maintain a 3.5 GPA. The award will be sent directly to LSAT or to a law school and/or to an LSAT class provider and/or tutoring for LSAT.
Law Student with a Disability Scholarship Award
This Scholarship (an award of at least $500) was established with the support of attorney Stacy J. Campbell, an Associate with Hinshaw and Culbertson, and her fiance Dr. George F. Viamontes. There is no GPA requirement for this scholarship.
Bar Exam Preparation Scholarship
This Scholarship is awarded to third-year law students who have demonstrated academic ability and the need for financial assistance. This scholarship is intended to help off-set the cost of an Illinois State Bar Exam preparation course.
Note: The DSF reserves the right to waive the GPA requirements to well-deserving students who tirelessly advocate for diversity. You must have completed at least two semesters of law school (and have a transcript) to qualify for all but the LSAT scholarship.
Questions? Please contact Erica N. Byrd or Barbara N. Flores, Scholarship Committee Co-Chairs, at dsfchicago.scholarships@gmail.com.